Recycle Club Shipping Label
Cleanse your underwear drawer and keep mother earth clean too! Only 1% of clothing is recycled, and the rest ends up in landfill. Help divert underwear waste and recycle old briefs past their prime. Recycling reduces carbon footprint, air pollution, water usage and energy. Bonus - get $10 off your next order. Win-Win-Win!
We'll email you your Recycle Club mailing label - pop in the mail or at any USPS location to get recycled. We accept any brand of undies!
Questions? Email us at
*available to US residents only (for now!).
How to get your label?
How to get your label?
Add to cart, checkout and we'll email you your Recycle Club shipping label. Re-use a KENT package (or any package), to pack up and ship to our recycling centre.
$10 for your next briefs
$10 for your next briefs
After sending your recycling package, you'll get $10 toward a future KENT purchase. Hooray!
How are the underwear recycled? It depends on the fiber content. Synthetic fibers get chemically recycled and natural fibers get mechanically recycled.
What are the benefits to recycling? Recycling reduces carbon footprint, air pollution, water usage, and energy (to name a few).
What happens to the recycled underwear? Materials that can be upcycled can then be respun and rewoven into yarns and fabrics. Materials that are downcycled are converted into rags or industrial parts for cars or insulation, etc.
get spring cleaned
Traditional detoxes focus on clean, organic food - welcome to the first detox program for clean, organic underwear.
Swapping out synthetic briefs that are past their prime for organic cotton comfy goodness not only benefits your body, but also the planet.
super natural, never synthetic
Designed entirely of plant-based materials, KENT briefs are guaranteed free from synthetics (spandex, nylon, elastane, polyester), plastics and micro-plastics, chemicals, and synthetic dyes and softeners.