We put sustainability at the heart of everything we do. From using natural, plant-based materials to creating an ethical and transparent supply chain. We focus our efforts on areas that have the biggest impact - products, people and planet.


super natural standards

Almost 75% of the negative impacts of fashion occurs at the raw materials stage. Selecting certain fibers influences how we wash our pieces and also their end of life - from recycling, composting or landfill (85% of clothes end up in landfill - eek!). Because of this, we created our Super Natural Materials Standards - a set of social and environmental criteria that we evaluate all material against before choosing to include in our collections. 

We are ruthless about only using 100% natural, plant-based and organic materials that also have the potential to return to nature as a resource. While some basics and underwear may contain organic materials, 99% still include some form of petrochemical or synthetic polymer - think spandex or polyester - that can remain in landfills for up to 200 years. Not to mention the negative impact these unnatural materials have on the natural world.

super natural standards

our standards are high

we are committed to using the cleanest ingredients on earth. This translates to our super natural material standards - that every product we create must meet.

☁️ 100% Organic

☠️ 100% Non Toxic

✨ 100% Plastic-Free (and micro plastic free)

❤️ 100% Vegan

🌿 100% Plantable (Biodegradable)

the un-naturals

materials you’ll never see from us

we hold ourselves to the highest natural standards, which means we have a zero tolerance policy for using petro-chemical based, GMO or pesticide-heavy materials and fibers traditionally found in our underwear. this means you will never see, not even 5% and not even in our elastics or trimmings, these in any of our products: 

> spandex 

> polyester, even recycled - it's still plastic :(

> nylon

> elastane

> acrylic

> acetate

why such high-standards? all the above are synthetic fabrics made from nonrenewable fossil fuels. They not only extract from our planet's nonrenewable natural resources, they also pollute along they way (in manufacturing and in everyday washes with tiny microplastics going into our water streams) and will live for 100's of years in landfills. 

our favorite - organic cotton

GOTS certified organic Cotton checks all our sustainable materials boxes. Grown in Peru and USA, organic pima cotton and organic supima cotton are the longest-staple of cotton in the world making it cushier and cleaner than its conventional cotton counterparts. It uses 87% less water and creates 45% less CO2 than conventional cotton. Cultivation of our organic cotton is done on land free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and insecticides (unlike conventional cotton uses 25% of all insecticides used around the world and 10% of pesticides). 

certified organic

Our organic cotton is certified by GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), the globally recognized body for auditing and approving organic materials. GOTS not only guarantees the traceability of organic cotton from field to final garment, but also fair and ethical working conditions. Our cotton is also non-GMO.

sustainable alternative to synthetics

At KENT, we champion super natural materials that regenerate, rather than eliminate, our natural resources, and that means opting out of synthetic materials derived from fossil fuels.

The problem with fossil fuel based synthetics

Traditional underwear is made from synthetic fabrics - nylon, spandex, elastane - fossil-fuel based materials from non-renewable resources that harm the earth chemical beginnings to landfill endings. Beyond being non-renewable, a signficant concern with these materials are their associated microplastic pollution that happens with laundry. More on that here.

We recognize that synthetics do offer performance qualities that are key for underwear. That's why we spent 3 years research and developing an alternative that is better than before.

Our solution

Our signature 100% organic pima cotton - is more durable, softer and smoother than conventional cotton, with a sustainable stretch. Our bio-based elastics are made from renewable tree resources, a raw material that sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during its growth.

We've developed a solution that is better than before - designed to keep your body, and the earth, clean, green and cool.

reversing climate change

Organic farming practices support biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. By reducing the exposure of farmworkers to potentially toxic and carcinogenic compounds and using nature-based solutions, it builds healthy soil. Organic pima cotton also presents the opportunity to reverse climate change through regenerative agriculture practices. The farming of our cotton participates in key areas of these practices including crop rotation, compost use, biological pest control, intercropping and no tilling.  

To go deeper, have a read through this article in Vogue.